唐宗謙工作室於 2022 年從法國回台灣台中成立,是兼具時尚、藝術和居家裝飾的創意工作室。印花色彩強烈,著重細節、灑脫的不對稱感及富含濃厚的工藝底蘊,設計師將多年在台灣及法國的生活軌跡注入到系列中,有著意想不到及充滿玩味元素,為時尚注入新的活力,賦予時尚更多的可能性。

Playful and intricate textile work is at core of TANGTSUNGCHIEN, which focus on cutting, crafts, colors, patterns and material. Inspiration often comes from the designer's surroundings and emotions.

After his training at Ecole Duperré, his debut collection 'Sleepwalker' was selected among the ten finalists at the 34th Festival d'Hyères in France. In 2021, Tsung-Chien graduated from Institut Français de la Mode with a Master's in Menswear Design. He had interned at Loewe in Knitwear and worked as Textile/Lifestyle Designer at Zara Home. After living in France for 10 years, in 2022, he returned to Taiwan to start his eponymous label TANGTSUNGCHIEN. His design studio is now based in Taichung, Taiwan.