2024 Skin Deep
Inspired by the structure of the human body, its composition and skin properties, from cells, tissues, organs, systems and organisms, to the smooth, natural physiological changes of wrinkles or fine lines and spots on the skin.
Society restricts people. All human beings are "weird" and we must look deeper. You will find that no one is "normal", and people's "weird" characteristics are also the source of inspiration for this series.
"Abnormal", "unusual", "imperfect", denying established values, conventions and generally accepted norms are what this series wants to express.
Fusion and conflict, balance and imbalance, symmetry and asymmetry, completion and unfinishedness, addition and elimination, construction and deconstruction, using techniques such as ripping, folding, splicing, and fabric and material characteristics, colors, and prints to create unique texture, new body, new skin, to question what is a perfect body? What is beauty and what is ugliness? What is "normal"?
靈感來自人體結構、組成及皮膚特性的不完美,從細胞、組織、器官、系統、生物體,到光滑、自然生理變化的皺紋又或者是肌膚上的細紋和斑點。男裝女穿、女裝男穿又或者是中性著裝、不只是外表及生理上的,也是心理上的認知與認同、生理影響心理、心理影響生理、性別之間相互理 解、性別流動、非常規尺寸的模特兒。